Previously I discussed MVP or Minimum Viable Product. As I am working on a new product today this meaning and what is included means very different things to other people. As the team moves forward a new term was introduced from our partners MVS or Minimum Viable Service . From google this means: MVS- MVS is the least you can provide, as a service, to prove you are delivering your intended solution (to the problem) and that it delivers value to your audience. … it’s that simple. A ‘minimal viable service’ helps you identify the minimum requirements of a service before digital transformation.

I am reading that while there is some discussion it is generally not a well know thing and not a viable step in the process of building a product. I cannot well discern the difference between an MVS and MVP and I feel that this leaves us with no real reason to focus on MVS for a service. Having said that, if it helps to define MVP then by all means use it. It simply does not look like it has value in the overall march toward MVP. Interested in learning if anyone has any definitions and can give the differentiator between MVS and MVP to convince Product Management forums of the value provided.

Published by Evening Sunset

Life is moving so fast and it will be gone before we know it. I am recording a few funny, strange, sad, pieces of life before we all move on.

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