Jobs – Craigslist

This is short comment regarding job postings on Craigslist. People (especially recruiters) post jobs on Craigslist. I have posted for a few positions, and also have posted items to sell or give away and also work wanted listings. The most replies I get to any listing, is, without a doubt spam! I get reply’s telling me that I can stop selling the family herilooms (outgrown coats, old VCR’s – Whatever) and start doing the business they are doing. I have never actually clicked on the link (this tends to give the credit to the spammer anyway). Work related posts tend to be ” click here to earn 1000/week! Guaranteed”. I like Craigslist so much for the business model and the fact that it is free. However, the spam potential is phenomenal. I also note that this is a prime candidate for freelance people who are hired to do just this type of work, entering craigslist postings throughout multiple sites. Kind of just makes you want to say ” where are the real jobs out there?” and ” here is the newest schemes (pyramid or otherwise) where people are making money taking advantage of the system.”

Published by Evening Sunset

Life is moving so fast and it will be gone before we know it. I am recording a few funny, strange, sad, pieces of life before we all move on.

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