
This isn’t technically the area of expertise of a Web Design Company but its a very important concept in today’s economy anyway.   Our business model, like so many others is multi faceted.  A successful business must keep the flow of work coming while completing projects and work sucessfully on time and within budget.   Its the biggest challenge (beyond financing) that small business owners face.   So much of the work is word of mouth!  The job boards would have you believe that you find work for yourself and perhaps a small group of employees but right now, I feel that the job boards are a combination of competitive and scam work.  Competitive means, frankly, that people come in and bid very low.  Typically they are not in the states and/or have a low cost of living.  We cannot compete on the basis of cost.  Many of the jobs on freelance, or elance etc are to be done for litterally pennies.  If you make 4$ an hour, (4$ a day isn’t unheard of!) is that a livable wage?  Not with minimim wage at twice that.  The other side of the job boards, who say ou will find tons of work,but they are scams.  We have signed up for jobs which look perfectly good and promising (which is the way they are suppose to look) and then you are sent a link for many different types of scams (clicking emails for pennies, filling out surveys that often require a purchase of items, signing up for education programs etc).  Essentially, the online advertising industry has created a new business model of giving dollars to entrpreneours who can get everyday people to sign up for jobs.  Now those people are like you and I, business owners or self employed freelancers, people who are no longer working in corporate america due to downsizing or a change in their lifestyles and we are subjected to an onslaught of scams and marketing ploys.  All people want are real jobs.  We do have useful skill sets and more importantly we are useful people who deserve a change at working and being a part of the business world.  We are looking for viable work doing something we are proud of, expanding our horizons, working at our own virtual businesses and being part of the big picture.

Hopefully a new site or business model will come along with reasonable, wages and allow business people to use their skills and get work that will be appropriate to their skill sets and be paid what they are worth.

Published by Evening Sunset

Life is moving so fast and it will be gone before we know it. I am recording a few funny, strange, sad, pieces of life before we all move on.

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